standing question: what is the reality in which you function? My reality: Here I am, you are, and so are the rest of you 6 Billion and growing. How are we all doing? How can I help?
Tuesday, September 25, 2007
sieg heil!
view this and weep for we are accelerating down the slippery slope of fascism.
link is to a video of the student being tazered after asking a question to john kerry. what a fucking tool.
many people applauded too, which is the truly horrific part.
1 comment:
i tried to cast my vote on the fate of that train, but i was given the message "cannot process request".
(fyi, i said it's heading over the cliff so get off now. a week ago i would have said it will turn at the last second. lol) well, not really so lol...
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